Monday, December 15, 2014

Brussels Strike Day

The perfect storm has hit. Today is Monday and many shops, restaurants and bars are closed.  Then there is a major national strike against trains, buses and planes virtually paralyzing Belgium. And finally, its overcast, damp and windy. We really have no business leaving the hotel in the state of health we're in.

After a short pass through the European Union Parliamentary complex, we walk back to the city center and spend four frustrating hours locating recommended bars we find closed. Alternative restaurants are closed. During our walk, we locate the famous peeing boy statue, Manneken-Pis. If there weren't so many tourists photographing the tiny statue one could miss it completely.

Due to the strike there is a significant police presence with portable barbed wire barriers at the ready.

We pass through Grand Place on our way to lunch. This is the city Christmas tree provided by Riga, Latvia. Lunch consists of a return trip to A la Mort Subtitle for omelets and four excellent beers. There are a few stops at Belgium chocolate shops and one shots of famous Belgium waffles before returning to our hotel.

The remainder of the day is spent in the warmth of the hotel packing for the remainder of our adventure.

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