Friday, September 18, 2020

Shopping City-style

Shopping when you live in the city is a bit different than rural or suburban shopping. Most of the time we do not have a car.

Much of our food shopping takes places at the Adelaide Central Market which is now a one mile walk each way. Shopping for other goods and services is primarily in the area of Rundle Mall which is slightly more than a mile.

On most occasions, Carol walks to the ACM with a shopping trolley. On occasions when we need to stock up, CJ joins with a second trolley. Typically Carol brings two trolleys and meets CJ on his return from physical therapy on the west side of town. Since his Pilates session ends after eleven, the plan is usually to meet for lunch. Typically we drop in to Mexican Revolution for lunch with Fernando. CJ is having heuvos rancheros with a killer hot sauce and the best Mexican chorizo in Adelaide.
 On this day, not only did we fill the two trolleys but filled a backpack as well.

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