Saturday, September 12, 2020

COVID Testing in South Australia

We have been watching in horror at the management (or lack thereof) of the senseless virus crisis in the US. We have a front row seat to the comparison of how to and how not to manage the crisis. We are blessed to have been living in South Australia when the pandemic hit. Our Premier, Steven Marshal and his staff, particularly Dr. Nicole Spurrier (think our Anthony Fauci) have had it right from as early as possible.

Contrast that with Premier Daniel Andrews in Victoria whose incompetence and desire to open the Victorian economy early has driven Victoria into a horrific (for Australia) second wave and economy killing lockdown far worse than the first lockdown. His irresponsible actions, and inconsistent messaging, have not only dragged down the Victorian economy but the entire Australian national economy. As of this writing Victoria is the only state with multiple deaths per day and has accounted for 524 of 611 (86%) COVID deaths nationwide, most in the past six weeks; a period AFTER WHICH the virus had been essentially under control in Australia. With each new Victorian COVID death, that percentage increases. Since the original writing there have been 192 additional deaths in Australia, all in Victoria bringing them up to 89%.

In Victoria multiple people, mostly elderly, continue to die. South Australia has recorded four total deaths, less than 1% of the national count with the last death on April 11, nearly FIVE months ago. Victoria is in near total lockdown. They are a pariah state. Our border with them is closed and manned by the state police force 24/7.

Victorian's sneaking across the border are being heavily fined and going to jail. Those few active cases we've had, have come from Victoria.

At this writing, Australia had 661 deaths for a population of 25 million. The US had 183,000 deaths for a population of 331 million. Australia has 24.4 deaths per million population. The US has 552.9 deaths per million population. That is over 22 times as bad and it is even worse that that. Australia's population is far more concentrated than that of the US which means, all things being equal, Australia's death rate should be greater than that of the US. not over 22 times less.

What is the difference? Testing, tracking, and analysis. Since the first days of awareness, Australia has advocated a policy of Test Early/Test Often. Testing is provided at Government expense. Test facilities are readily available. The vast majority of test results have s been available in TWO DAYS OR LESS. The only exceptions are a few sporadic computer outages. When the Victorian second wave hit, what was South Australia's reaction? They opened more test facilities. I'm not talking about hospitals.

This is the facility in Victoria Park, less than two blocks from our house. When Victoria became a potential threat to SA, this new facility was erected overnight. They processed 6,000 tests the first DAY! They have been open seven days a week since opening nearly a month ago with no indications of closing until this is over. There are no longer long lines of cars but there continues a constant trickle. The South Australian population prefers to be informed rather than ignorant and irresponsible. CJ has been tested. Neil has been tested. James has been tested. We were tested not because we were symptomatic but because we had a cough or cold or mild flu or just were not quite feeling totally on.

One enters the new pop-up COVID  test center at what is normally Turn 3 of the race course. After Turn 1, one proceeds up what would be the pit row exit to the testing area located where the pit garages are normally located.  
The swab testing is conducted at the start of pit row.
Vehicles exit the test area along the race grandstand start/finish straightaway. The picture below is taken standing in Turn 16 looking toward what would be the main grandstand (where the tall tree is located), the start/finish line (on the left), pit row (center of screen), entry to pit row (right and above the final letter "e" in Adelaide), and the back straightaway and Turn 15 (far most right background).
And then there is contract tracking. Australian's are tracked. There are places we go where we must supply our name, phone number and email address. Why? Just in case someone who is also there while we are turns up positive. If that occurs, they can contact us and we can go for a test, or two or three. Are we in SA screaming about infringement on our personal freedoms like the fools in Victoria or elsewhere? We are willingly complying as part of our social responsibility to our fellow citizens.

And then there is analysis. Major teams at the state and national level are analyzing the data, the trends. They are attempting to identify the root source. They are identifying and isolating identified clusters. Our national and state governments are doing EVERYTHING within their powers (Victoria excepted) to flatten and end this thing.

The story in New Zealand is much the same. When New Zealand thought they had COVID eradicated, a family of four turned up positive. That city was immediately placed on lockdown. FOUR citizens caused a national response. How did those four get it? Where did it come from? The national policy was to not allow it to spread, to determine the source, to squash it before it could spread; and they did.

Once upon a time, months ago, the US with strong and knowledgeable leadership was in this position. New York came as close to our Southern Hemisphere templates as anyone but even they fell short. The US Government at all levels, in both parties failed our people. Most of all, we suffered from delay, denial and conspiracy theories spread by our President. COVID-19 is not a hoax. COVID-19 is not a Democratic conspiracy. COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic which the US has bungled royally and now tosses about as a political football rather than attempting to save the lives of its citizens. Shame on you Trump!!! Shame on you Republicans for enabling his incompetence and ego!! Shame on you Democrats for being too impotent to protect our scientists and public servants trying to do the right thing from retributions of a vane and vindictive President!!! Shame on the citizenry for being so gullible!!

As a nation we are so much better than you. We can be so much better than your jingles, slogans, and denial for the purpose of self-glorification and self-preservation.

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