Sunday, September 20, 2020

First CBD Circumnavigation - Whoopie!

Reposting for mom.

Mark it down.  Sunday 6 September, Australia's Father's Day, I made it around the CBD on my bike for the first time on this visit. Seven months to the day, I finally have my first circumnavigation of the city on my bike.

From Tomsey Street, I began in the east parklands in Victoria Park riding past two fields of cricket and one of soccer. In the first southern park were lawn bowling, croquet and more soccer. In the next few southern parks were children's playgrounds, soccer, tennis, field hockey and basketball. 

With the advent of spring, it won't be long before the roses are out in Veale Gardens. 
In the southwestern most park are at least a dozen netball courts. There was little action in the western parks but in Bonython Park, it is almost back to pre-COVID levels of family weekend picnics.

For this first attempt, I stayed on the southern bank of the river before crossing past the zoo, through Botanic Park and returning past the National Wine Center. In the east parklands I saw disk golf and footy.

Why is there a minor climb in the last two blocks?

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