Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Front Patio

When we lived here the first time, the cornerstone and only feature of the entrance patio other than the permanent plantings, was a huge Balinese gong. When we were repatriated to the US, we moved it to Dave and Kathy's country property. Eventually weather took its toll and the gong collapsed and was given an honored farewell.
We had a clothes dryer when last we lived here. Now we use the elements like the locals.

Decorating the entrance foyer is taking a different route this time. First Bronwyn delivers a small table and four chairs. Next she brings a small planter for Carol's herb garden. 

James and Jackie offer three pots they used to hide a replanting project on their entrance foyer. Two are now on the patio and the third is on the second floor balcony.

When Bronwyn delivers another two huge planters, Carol has a project to fill them. 

Returning home from the nearby market, she asked a woman where she got her plants. There is a sale in the gardens of a historic building. There is a community garden. Folks pay for membership. Our neighbor Sia, is one of the organizers. 

From time to time they sell off  excess plants. Trolley in hand Carol goes and returns with a large plant. A while later, Sia's husband and one of CJ's cricket buddies. delivers the rest of the order. 

CJ has returned from a long bike ride. Carol has been planting for hours. We have chairs on the entrance patio. We call it a day and have a drink. During the more than two years we lived here, we never sat and had a drink on this patio. We always used the roof. This is a first. Drinks in the foyer will be repeated.

The large plants in a pot behind Carol and behind CJ are the two given to us by James and Jackie. 
We'll post again when she finishes.

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