Saturday, September 19, 2020

Beer Tasting

The Second, New & Improved Beer Tasting is in the books. It is indeed improved. For the last one we sampled 18 beers, this time 22 (and we overlooked one and will push it to the next one).

We added three of Louis and Tom's friends to this soiree. CJ researched and selected so many beers he has the lineup ready for the third tasting, as does Josh. The original plan was for CJ to select and purchase the entire slate since everyone else is busy working for a living. Somewhere along the way, others got a hankering to contribute their favorites so I cut back the 13 I had lined up and contributed six.

I showed up with Leffe Bruin from Belgium, Kyoto Matcha IPA from Japan, Judas the Dark a wattleseed infused brown from Wilkadene Woolshed Brewery in the Riverlands, Belleruse Blonde from France, and the Amber Ale and Sheoak Stout from Kangaroo Island Brewery.

With one participant late and our doctor tied up at the office, we have a starter brew. My pick from the fridge is a brew from the local Little Bang Brewery. Four of us were there last Friday for after work drinks and planning of the tasting. I missed this beer. Bummer! It is a smoked chili chocolate porter, and I don't usually like porters. 

After drinks, three of us passed by two specialty wine and beer shops. At Edinburg Cellars, we suspect no three guys have ever spent that much money that quickly in their history. Their staff was impressed. My shopping is shown.

The green matcha IPA, positioned in the middle of the rack, was the only brew requiring a glass wash.

Bronwyn knows her boys and doesn't trust them to "we'll just order pizzas". She and Carol arrive with munchies mid tasting; and to check on us.

With each beer being recorded on an online site, the obnoxious site at one point declared Josh a serious alcoholic, The site asked if he needed medical assistance at about the 10th beer.

The lineup of beers. We begin with sours and a goze, From there we move to blondes and lagers. In the middle we have an amber, the matcha IPA, and begin to move to the dark side. We end with five stouts.

My favorite was the Double Lemmington from Dark Deeds Brewery.
During the event we watch live AFL footy and then begin a series of previous sporting events. One was ice cricket where retired cricketeers play the game on a frozen lake in Switzerland. This is something else I'd never seen: Foot Volleyball from Hollywood, Florida. They cannot use their hands, only body, feet and head just like soccer. 
A good time was had by all. It was 1300 before we began breaking up. Time to schedule the Third Tasting.


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