Sunday, September 20, 2020

Hindley Street Dumplings

When we lived on North Terrace, Hindley Street Dumplings was four blocks from the apartment. With it now more than a mile from the house, we get there far less frequently.

That said, it is likely not a stretch to say that we are the manager's favorite Caucasian customers. They shut down completely during the COVID lock down. When they reopened the originally didn't have CJ's favorite spicy hot & sour soup on the menu. When it did come back it looked and tasted like run of the mill hot & sour soup. The red streams of chili paste were absent from the broth.

We had switched to a new favorite, their Laksa dumplings. On one occasion during the move, CJ kept the car running in a no parking zone while Carol ran in for take-out. Arriving home it was the first time he'd had the revised preparation. He was not pleased!

On his next visit, he had a discussion with the manager. He showed him how the new preparation did not match the menu picture.

On his next visit, the manager immediately recognized him and informed CJ that the kitchen had again revised the recipe and it was now in accordance with CJ's specifications.  It was better but not quite the same.

At that point over the next few visits, the manager began providing CJ with his own special concoction of a super hot side chili paste.

We had set one foot into the store when the manager saw us and began waving and jumping with excitement. When he brought the menu he said, "I'm guessing you don't need this." He looks forward to our return and no longer charges us for the take-away left-over container.

This is what the spicy hot & sour soup is supposed to look like. The second picture is Carol's laksa.
 This is the special super hot sauce. Today we enjoyed something else new: complementary green tea.
The ironic part of this story is that since they messed up the original recipe, CJ prefers laksa but is too embarrassed to order. The one time Carol went to retrieve two orders of laksa, the manager was very disappointed. That's the downside to being a recognized regular.

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