Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Seriously? Posting About Trash Bins!

It has happened again. We return from shopping at the ACM to find the bins emptied and our red bin missing.  Who steals a bin with the address prominently displayed on four sides in huge white letters??

We call the city council and order a replacement. Apparently bin pinching is getting to be quite common. It does not appear they still charge for replacement. The fellow wasn't even phased when CJ told him that the bin was marked with the address on four sides. He said it happens all the time.

The green bin has arrived. We purchased paint but it didn't stick to plastic. Bronwyn provides white "china" paint and it appears to work.
CJ has the physical therapy session just after Jackie's. When he mentions the bin napping, Jackie tells him that they know the perpetrator. He is the fellow living behind us in Tony and Margarite's old home. He is apparently a notorious bid napper known to the entire neighborhood since at one time or another he has pinched everyone's bin. It seems he doesn't like putting his garbage in plastic bags and also doesn't like getting his own bin dirty, so he takes whatever bin he likes and messes it up leaving the owner to clean his mess. He is obviously a real class addition to the neighborhood.

It seems everyone has had a go at him, including the cop across the street, and our two nearest neighbors. He doesn't deny it and is shameless in stating he won't stop.

Later in the day, the tale takes a bizarre turn. CJ gets a phone call from our Polish neighbor. It appears Renata has our bin. CJ sets ours out on the corner by her house along with a lot of others. It is not clear where to put it on our side of the street. Renata and Peter's home is the one behind the corner of bins.

Renata went to retrieve her bin and the only one there was ours. She assumed that the guy took one and we took the wrong one. Since ours was the only one remaining she took it. While chatting with Jackie, she was horribly embarrassed and returns it.

Who would have thought trash bins could be a source of entertainment, such is life. The conversation even continues through a good part of our Saturday evening Father's Day dinner with James and Jackie.

Let us hear it for "Just In Time Management". With our bin returned and set on the street for pickup, we open the front door to find the council has delivered the new bin on the morning of pickup. We shall keep the spare.

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