Thursday, January 31, 2019

TDU at Strathalybin

Bronwyn, organized the timing of the Clayton trip to allow us be in Strathalbyn for the conclusion of Stage 5 of the TDU.

CJ selects a position a few meters before the finish line.
Watching the sprint final is worth the wait.
The walk to the car is even more worth the hassle and crowds.  We come across the teams decompressing.
After watching Peter Sagan decompress with his team, he begins signing autographs.  After signing CJ's ballcap, he finds that Carol's pen won't work on her hat.  Does he blow us off?  Nope!  He returns to a person who's hat he signed who has a marker, takes the marker from them and returns to sign Carol's hat.  Peter is a quality person!

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