Thursday, January 10, 2019


The day before we depart for the Riverlands, we catch the tram to the east end to view Vice, the movie about Dick Cheney.  It is an outstanding movie.

Being on the east side we have dinner at the great Japanese restaurant.  It's within walking distance; then again most everything is within walking distance.
Bronwyn and Carol gather CJ at Therapia for an early morning drive to the Riverlands. We arrive in Renmark in less than four hours.  We're able to check in to the Renmark Hotel & Motel before meeting Walter and Kay for lunch. We have a view of the River Murray.
We meet Walter and Kay at a local patisserie.

Following lunch, the five of us descend on the new home of Bronwyn's father, Brian and his wife Sue. Once we sell our Smithfield home, this is the exact kind of place we need to find.

While Bronwyn, Walter and Kay depart to visit an aging friend, a member of the first family of the Riverlands, Brian, Sue, Carol and CJ drive to visit an old friend also; Wilkadene's Woolshed Brewery. The brewery is located at the Freeman's Wilkadene station where they also rent houseboats such as the Outback Star, which we rented five years ago and spent an amazing week on the River Murray. They also run a B&B.
Now this is a fine interpretation of a Christmas tree!
The seven of us convene at the Renmark Club, Brian's club for a fun dinner.  The club is located on the bank of the Murray.
This is one fun loving group of people and all of them have a great sense of humor.

After dinner we pass by the Sip & Save, one of the many Australian drive-up liquor chains and purchase a nice Clare Valley Riesling to enjoy on the patio of our room.
Overall its a fun trip with enjoyable rides with Bronwyn both to and from. We stop at The Farm Eatery @ Maggie Beer's Farm Shop in the Barossa Valley for lunch.  This is a beautiful spot with a lake, turtles, peacocks, ducks and other wildlife.

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