Sunday, January 20, 2019

Heatwave and Lego Display

On the second day of the heatwave, we're apartment bound.  What to do?  The Adelaide Convention Centre is across the street.  A world renown Lego exhibit is there.  Why not?

We must walk all of 514 steps (according to Fitbit) to the Convention Center.  Years ago CJ saw a Lego exhibit in a small mall in Brest, France.  It was spectacular.  Some of the exhibits took two man-years to construct.

Twenty years later, computer-aided design has significantly reduced the time it takes to design and build exquisite models. One wouldn't think it was worth $30 to view Lego models; but it is.  Check some of them out.
There were 39 displays.  The one below is a bullet train where a number of compartments have cut away views.  The level of detail  is "awesome".
 This one is a full sized Harley, again with amazing detail.
 This is a larger than life mosquito.
 The Trieste two sea floor displays.
This Russian cargo jet is a complete cut away view on the other side.  The detail in the exterior, interior and the support vehicles boggles the mind.
 There is a full size Camry.
The two most incredible displays were a Russian icebreaker where one side was exterior and one was interior.  The interior level of detail was incredible: engine rooms, galleys, laundry rooms, bridge,

The other was a 20 foot tall rocket.

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