Thursday, January 31, 2019

Phil Collins Not Dead Yet Concert & Bigger Heatwave

When a bloke names his tour the Not Dead Yet tour, you just must go.  We've never seen Phil Collins. Today we can see him and at our Adelaide Oval.

The concert is the day after the hottest day in the history of Adelaide, ever!  It topped at 46.6C or nearly 116F.  It was so hot that our air con unit couldn't keep up.  The agency had to give us another apartment for sleeping. We used the day when it was impossible to venture out to get a head start on our return packing.
 The forecast had been for near record breaking temperatures of 113F. NOT!

The temperature has dropped significantly.  It's a very comfortable evening.
It's a very good concert: good audio, good video, good band, and Phil is great.  The bloke even still has his voice, unlike a lot of the others his age.
 The drummer is Phil's 17-year old son; a chip of the drummer's block.

Adelaide United

Turn back the clock! Time for CJ to be thirty again.  He's been invited by 'the boys' to attend his first professional soccer match.

The adventure begins with snags  (beer) on the Barbie and frothies at the Mullins home in the early afternoon. And then, we're off to Cooper's Stadium, a place we can see from our apartment, for an Adelaide United game.
This is CJ's first professional soccer game.  The lads tradition is to purchase seats but watch the game standing in the Snake Pit, a bar area at ground level.
There is a wrinkle to the festivities and that's called the Tower Game.  The empty plastic beer glasses are laid on the ground.  When one finishes they must hit the 'tower' with their empty or pay for the next round.  Everyone scores hits, if not slightly glancing blows until the final round when both CJ and Tom score misses.
Unlike the Oval, guests flood the pitch after the match.  CJ dances in defiance to the Oval's silly policy.  Prior to and during innings breaks, there are all manner of folks allowed on the Oval's pitch but during the officially sanctioned tours, the advertised 'chance to walk on the pitch' is restricted to a small ring of artificial turf along the edge.
Not having had "nearly enough to drink", we pass by a pub on the way back to the ManCave where we sit having more beer and enjoying a drinking game. Safely returning home after a great afternoon it can be said that the  Old Boy Still Has It.

TDU at Strathalybin

Bronwyn, organized the timing of the Clayton trip to allow us be in Strathalbyn for the conclusion of Stage 5 of the TDU.

CJ selects a position a few meters before the finish line.
Watching the sprint final is worth the wait.
The walk to the car is even more worth the hassle and crowds.  We come across the teams decompressing.
After watching Peter Sagan decompress with his team, he begins signing autographs.  After signing CJ's ballcap, he finds that Carol's pen won't work on her hat.  Does he blow us off?  Nope!  He returns to a person who's hat he signed who has a marker, takes the marker from them and returns to sign Carol's hat.  Peter is a quality person!


We're headed to Neil and Bronwyn's place in Clayton on the river at the intersection of the Finness and Murray Rivers. Normally we would get there via the Eastern Freeway, Mt. Barker and Strat. Today we're going down the Southern Freeway through McLaren Vale with a stop along the way.

Danshi Rise is a small winery without a cellar door.  The owner/winemaker does tastings by appointment only.  The Mullins are outstanding customers.  On previous visits what passes for his tasting room has been outfitted with his selection of Harleys.  Apparently there has been recent remodeling.  The walls are now adorned with classic electric guitars.  There is a large screen playing an Eric Clapton Crossroads concert.
The wines are outstanding, particularly the Grenache and Grenache-Tempranillo. Passion has gone into the making of these wines.
On this visit we've elected to make lunch the main meal and dinner more snack-like.  Bronwyn has selected the Current Shed. The American's must direct the Aussies to the restaurant.  We know McLaren Vale much better than Neil and Bronwyn.

The format at the Current Shed has changed; and for the better. Dining here was always pleasant.  Now it's spectacular! It's now a fixed menu with a "freebie" amuse bouche,  palate cleanser and a concluding macaroons. Even ordering different mains, all the offerings are outstanding. We tasted at Goodieson's Brewery down the road a piece last year.  This Raspberry Wheat was quite good.
By the time we arrive at Clayton, most of the day has passed.
Following a short afternoon and fun evening , we spend the next day exploring the south coast of South Australia. There are views of the south coast, a visit to an antique shop, and a good view of the steam train (something for another visit).
We return to the restaurant of CJ's birthday luncheon last year for lunch.

Following lunch we drive to Langhorne Creek to check out a new brewery.  We pass by Angas Plains Winery and have a chat with Phil and Judy the owners.  We've shared a few good tastings and a grape stomp with them previously.
Returning to Clayton, we pass through Strathalbyn to view the memorial motorcycle sculpture made from stainless steel tools.
When it was warm enough for a dip, we didn't have time to take it.  When we have time, the weather takes a cold turn. Many trips to Clayton and not a single dip to date.

We enjoy our second morning of Australian brekkie and Clayton wildlife before leaving for the day's special event in Strathalbyn

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Tour Down Under First Weekend

The Tour Down Under Village in Victoria Park opened today and we were there. Unfortunately the team tent was not open which was a big disappointment.
It's Carol's birthday and we have a busy day planned of non-birthday events. First up, CJ must bike across town to register for the Santos Classic Family Fun Ride.  It's run on the Santos Classic course at noon.  Later in the day the Ladies conclude their TDU on it and even later the men initiate their TDU on it.

During the same time as registration is open, there are children's age-group races being held on a course near the Start/Finish line.  The children participating have event shirts.
CJ rides in the Santos Classic Family Fun Ride.  It was so interesting watching the families and their children, some very young, some even sleeping in special bike rigs.  Even with the course crowded with families and children, CJ got in a good ride.
After the ride we have lunch at the Belgium Bar to allow CJ to recover.  CJ rides to the apartment while Carol takes the tram.
Carol turns up lame and returns to the apartment while CJ braves the sun and heat to watch the Santos Classic in 99°F and full sun.