Saturday, August 14, 2021

Stem Wine Dinner

Stem wine bar has been open less than two years.  It is located on the west side of the CBD and was three blocks from our apartment. Now on the other side of town, we passed by one day and because of a question related to the wine list met Mark Sunczyk, their sommelier. The simple question turned into a good half hour discussion. Mark told us of the special wine dinners he hosted. We immediately signed up for two and told him when he announced the third to save us two spaces.

Mark conducts two types of events. Both showcase a particular group of wines through their wine makers. One is an open affair in the main restaurant. The other is held in a private room with attendance limited to 16 people.

Our first Stem wine dinner is of the open variety. This evening he is showcasing the wines of Jericho and Wangolina. The wines and food are very good.


We share a table with a young wine making couple from McLaren Vale and two life long professional mates about our age. It is a fun evening.

The wine maker from Jericho is standing behind CJ in the picture.

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