Thursday, August 12, 2021

SA Wine Revolution - Day 2

We had no intentions of attending a second night but the first was brilliant and since the rain held off, we gave it a go.

There is weird performance art happening between the venues. People are walking with other folks on their shoulders.
We pass by the first venue and discover the wine quality is lower this evening; at least in this venue.
Two guys in costume are wrapping a third guy.
Since the glasses they are handing out free are high quality, we get a new glass bag at each venue. At the second venue, it happens again. Wangolina Winery is pouring at the station where Alyssa was pouring last evening. We recognize the two servers having enjoyed an evening with them at the Stem wine dinner within the last two weeks. One is the winemaker and the other is their sales director, Sally Grundy.

As we arrive at the head of the line, CJ says to the winemaker, "It's been less than two weeks since we've tasted with you." When she doesn't understands he reminds her of the Stem dinner. At that point, Sally looks out, points to CJ and says, "You're the one!"
She leaves her pouring duties and joins us. She lost the plot on wine orders and had one she could not resolve. It was ours.

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