Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas Eve with the Mullins

Christmas Eve 2020 is an enjoyable cocktail party with members of the Mullins family. Bronwyn wasn't happy with the six-foot tree. She wanted much taller. When the curtains are open, the huge windows behind us give a view of the gorgeous gardens.

This is Bronwyn's father Brian and her step father Richard having a chat. Both were pilots so likely the topic is airplanes or flying stories.
This is Bronwyn's niece, Emma and her husband and Emma's mother. She is married to Bronwyn's brother, Rodney.
Here Carol is chatting with Brian's wife, Suzie. Note the paintings of Louis and Tom on the far wall. Bronwyn is standing serving champagne, beer and wine. Meat pies and other hors d'oeuvres adorn the coffee table.
Seated are Rodney's son, Bronwyn's mother and a old friends of the Mullins who are motor homing around Australia. On the left is Louis but and on the right Neil's arm.
It was a short and sweet two hour afternoon event. We knew everyone there with the exception of Rodney's children.

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