Friday, December 4, 2020

Second Port of Call - Murray River Cliffs

CJ, one of the first to bed after dinner, is the first up. To keep from waking everyone, he's taken a spot at the table on the fantail. He's working his computer and taking the odd picture when he sees Carol inside the cabin making strange motions. His leg is better today but still painful and inducing a serious limp. He will not we line handling today. Carol must take his place.

She has emerged from the bedroom and is attempting to summons CJ to take pictures of emus visiting just in front of the boat.

Neil is next to emerge. While CJ works on the upper deck on his computer, Carol and Neil relax on the fantail. It's the side facing the river.
After brekkie, we cast off and take a short cruise downriver to the cliffs. There is a lookout tower on the top of the cliffs. We were there a few years ago.
As we cruise down the river, pelicans are plentiful.
We are in search of our second port of call.
Grant and Carol are tasked with getting Outback Star secured.
It is time for afternoon cocktails.
We love tying up beneath the cliffs. As the sun sets, the cliffs normally light up. Tonight they do not.

It is Carol's turn to cook this evening. She's grilling and with CJ's bum leg, Neil does the grilling for her.

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