Sunday, December 6, 2020

What a Revolting Development This Is!

The day begins with a brilliant sunrise. The picture does not do it justice.

There is no wind this morning and the river's glass surface reflects the beauty of the river's banks.

Moored in the lee of the cliffs, we have no Internet connectivity or phone reception. Following brekkie, we cast off lines and begin a long cruise downriver. The crew remains mindful of CJ's bum leg. Line handling falls to Grant and Carol, brawn and experience.

On the trip down river we pass some huge bird of prey nests. 

We have been cruising for a while when Louis finally gets through on Bronwyn's now working phone. When we departed Adelaide early Monday morning, panic was setting in regarding an emerging COVID cluster discovered on Sunday. By today, Wednesday, the state was up to 28 confirmed cases but more importantly, they couldn't understand the means of transmission. 

Louis informs us the state is going into a TOTAL LOCKDOWN as of midnight. We are left with little choice. We need to cut short the cruise and make a run for Adelaide.

We turn the boat around and head back upriver. Bronwyn puts out fixings for sandwiches and we grab a quick lunch while beginning to pack. With the boat headed back, the rest of us continue packing: clothes, food, and booze.

CJ takes over the helm and immediately cranks up the engines. Maximum fuel efficiency is between 1200 and 2400 rpm. He has cranked it up to 3800 rpm. The engines don't sound strained. We're  spending more on fuel but we're in a hurry and running against the current.

He keeps the helm through the tight turns near the cliffs and turns over control to Neil once we clear the cliffs. 

It is past five when we finally tie up at Wilkadene. Owner Tom and mate Harry are waiting with our cars in position for loading. We have the boat staged for fast unloaded and debarkation.

We make a quick stop in the brewery. Neil has a significant beer order from his boys. CJ is in need of t-shirts for the coming summer. They don't have his size, but Carol manages one.

Since we expect to be confined to the house for six days (or more), where do we shop for staples: Renmark or Adelaide? CJ decides sooner is better than later and we stop in Renmark where shelves are already bare of milk and bread.

CJ wonders what is taking Carol so long. She only needed a few produce items. As she waits behind a woman with a full shopping cart, her children arrive with three more completely full carts. 

By the time we arrive back in Adelaide around 9pm we're hungry. CJ deposits Carol at Ballaboosta praying they continue to take orders. They are and by the time she returns with two pizzas, CJ had unloaded the cars and turned on all outside lighting.

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