Monday, December 14, 2020

Tasting in Tununda at "Z" Wines

After checking in at Tanunda Cottages, we walk to the main part of Tanunda in search of another wine tasting. Under most circumstances, this would be a simple walk, but after three wine tastings, the small climb seems like a mountain climb. There are picturesque heritage houses on the walk.

Alex has recommended Z Wines, a winery with a woman winemaker. We find it located in a quaint coffee shop on the main street.

This wine sampling is an extremely laid back affair. A new wine is poured every ten to fifteen minutes and you sit and soak up the atmosphere for a good hour and half.

The winemaker stops by with her two boys. Carol overhears that one boy has graduated from preschool to big boy school this morning. She congratulates him and gives him a five. That starts a nice conversation with the winemaker and appreciation from the server.

The original plan had another tasting stop. The new plan calls for checking out the inside of our eyelids. 

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