Friday, December 11, 2020

Langmeil Winery Tasting with Tracy

Langmeil is an ancient property dating to 1841, actually once the hub of the early Barossa. There is a two bedroom cottage on the property where we hosted Bronwyn and Neil at two years ago.

In addition there are a blacksmith shed, other buildings of the original village and the village stables now the cellar door. That is the cellar door adjacent to the offices and bottle storage building.

This is one of the old village buildings. It is now the headquarters of their Freedom Tasting Tour. The event starts in the main building. The partially underground building to the left is the submerged tasting room. There is a similar building on the right side which houses the wine cellar.

The cottage is middle right in the picture.

This would have been the main street of the original village. It is now the walkway from the parking lot to the cellar door.

We arrive a few minutes late to find Jonathan and Tracy in the cellar door working with a commercial customer. At first Tracy does not recognize us. We reel her back in quickly.

We do not want to taste all offerings. We are most familiar with their wines. We've come to ensure our favorites haven't changed. When we have worked our way through the public cellar door offerings, Tracy departs for Jonathan's special cellar. She returns with four bottles of their best stuff. A couple call to us for special occasions.

Langmeil has marvelous gardens and grounds and flowers.

This is a vineyard rake being pulled by a "horse" made from a wine barrel.

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