Thursday, December 17, 2020

Morning Tasting Event with Kym Tuesner - Finally

With a loaf of bread from Apex Bakery in hand we begin the day with a 1030 tasting event at Tuesner Winery. This is not a place with a cellar door. This is a working winery. If you have had the wisdom to join Kym's wine clan, the Righteous Society, you can call up and get an appointment to sample their stuff. We are members.

Another way to ensure an invite is to order from them (three times on this visit alone) and spend a lot (nearly $3K before this visit).

We have been enjoying Kym's wine since we tried his GSM at a Sydney restaurant in 2007. It jaded our palettes for Australian GSM blends. We tried others but they were terrible. 

One year while tasting at Langmeil, always politically correct CJ mentioned to Tracy the wine host, that her GSM was good but not the best we experienced. She asked which was better and when we told her she broke out laughing. Seems if we had to pick one to be better, the Tuesner was the correct choice. Tracy's husband Mick was Kym's partner.

We first visited the winery in November 2017. Kym was called away at the last minute but Huon provided a tour of the winery beginning with climbing to the top of the huge outdoor fermentation tanks. The tasting was conducted in their business office. People at computers shuffling papers and Carol, CJ, and Huon tasting a row of wines seating along the top of filing cabinets.

For years CJ has wanted to meet the maker of these great wines and the fellow in charge of the winery that sends out entertaining and bizarre marketing emails. When CJ requested a private tasting, he was quick to point out that we did not need to climb all over the winery again, that the climb to the offices would be all the climbing we could take in one day.

Today we finally meet Kym. Things have changed. Tastings are now conducted in a purpose built boardroom. We are joined by their marketing manager. The wines we knew of before today are the large group of bottles on the left. There is another line of premium wines in the smaller group on the right. 

Kym spends the entire time with us telling us about his wines, answering questions and offering to open EVERYTHING. 
Not pictured but sampled is another small line that Kym calls his retirement wines. He has a small vineyard on very prime soil where he produces three single variety wines. When he eventually retires and gives the business to his children, to keep from going batty, he intends to retire to his small vineyard and make really good wine for friends and family and sale if there is any left.

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