Sunday, December 13, 2020

Lunch at Rolf Binder

It is a short drive from Lanmeil to Rolf Binder. It is lunch time and we need a quick bite. The Binder cellar door advertises pizza. Their parking lot affords a good view across the Barossa Valley.
One of Rolf Binder's favorite wines comes from his Hungarian roots. This bull (for Bull's Blood) graces the cellar door courtyard.
This is the cellar door; modern and clean.
A couple of decades ago James and Jackie decided to stop selling grapes and begin making wine. They hired Rolf as their winemaker. When they sold their business, Rolf purchased it. These are Rolf's current releases of JJ Hahn wines at the cellar door.
For the record, the pizza lunch left a lot to be desired. It is clearly store-bought, box pizza.


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