Monday, October 12, 2020

First Dinner on the Roof

CJ has been putting these blogs together.  He's built the blog of the first floor and second floor. Now he needs something to show for the roof deck.

On his return from physical therapy on the west side, he passed through the ACM. Even though he's on his bike, he loads a pair of incredible baguettes, a jar of Kangaroo Island honey, and two "porterhouse" steaks. According to Carol he doesn't bring home porterhouse steaks. Obviously in Oz their idea of porterhouse and the America idea of porterhouse are very different.  Once grilled to a perfect medium rare, they don't taste like them either.

The rooftop deck sits over the TV room. It consists of four parts: the barbie/wet bar/fridge area, the dining area, a garden, and a front lounging area.

CJ has decided that since we're having a summer-like evening, we'll dine on the roof and stage dining photographs. If he had waited until next week, Australia would have changed to Daylight Savings Time and dinner would be in daytime.

From the front of the deck, we have good views of the ever-changing Adelaide skyline.

By evening, the stainless steel boxed gardens are lit as are the dining table and cooking facilities.
In the US, Carol was the grill master. Here with 36 steps to climb to the barbie, CJ has become the grill master.
After dinner while we're enjoying the last of the wine, we get a rare opportunity to literally watch the earth rotate. A bright light appears over the roof of the new apartment building. Over the next 15 minutes of so we watch the full moon rise, which since the moon isn't moving is the same as watching the earth rotate.

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