Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Celebrating the Arrival of Manon

It's not everyday, you get word of the arrival of your first French granddaughter. On successive evenings we have friends over to toast the arrival. What do you serve to toast the arrival of a beautiful little French baby. 

French champagne, of course. One evening we serve Louis Roederer and the next Pol Roget.

On the first evening we failed to take pictures. On the second the toasting event turned into a progressive dinner. We began at our place with a champagne and a meat and cheese platter.

For the second phase of the progressive dinner, we moved two doors down the street for skewers and more excellent wine. That 2003 Shiraz in the middle is a "no price" wine.  It was made by someone who is quite the character. How good was it? Freedom is Lanmeil's best wine and always bloody good. Next to the Lawson, it seemed pedestrian.

When we dine together, the tradition is to end with something different. At one of our dinners, CJ served a Pedro Jimenez sherry and found James was a long time fan.  CJ recently found his favorite brand of it and brought it to share.

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