Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Early Look of Spring Around the City

There signs of spring are all around us. Trees are blossoming out. There are more roses by the day. These birds of paradise show up at the club house of the Adelaide Par 3 golf course adjacent to the Weir.
Bushes, bottle brush trees, and shrubs are blossoming out.
Passing by Veale Gardens, it is apparent they can't wait to burst out but it is within days.
While walking and pulling a trolley to the BWS liquor store in Norwood, CJ passes this beautiful stand of flowers. This is a city council decoration of a common street corner. Tomsey street, courtesy of our friend Sia, is decorated with bump outs of trees and flowers.  Halifax St, the next street over is stuffed with roses and other flowers. Adelaide is a city of beautiful flowers; everywhere!


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