Friday, October 30, 2020

Dinner and a Movie

CJ discovered a special showing of a Stevie Nicks concert at our local theater. We haven't been to the theater in spite of our having senior memberships.

We try a new Thai restaurant on the walk to the theater. The food is extraordinary. We now have two top shelf Thai go-to restaurants. Soi 38 was a Carol find and she done good. 

The first course is a pan fried chive cake. Different than the Chinese scallion pancake we had anticipated but a new and wonderful flavour profile.

Carol's main is best of show. This swimmer blue crab curry dish is a complex blend of flavors and delicious.
CJ has his usual Thai green curry. It is very good.
It is a short walk to Palace Nova Eastend Theater. We are here for Stevie Nicks 24 Karat Gold - The Concert. CJ manages some late screen captures with his phone. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Are We Living in Paradise

It would seem mother may be correct. According to a painting on the wall outside of the Adelaide Central Market we are living in paradise.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Flower arrangements for birth celebrations.

Earlier in the day of the first celebration we met our neighbor, the one with roses and she offered her roses for the taking. CJ cut them and Carol made three arrangements for the two parties.

Celebrating the Arrival of Manon

It's not everyday, you get word of the arrival of your first French granddaughter. On successive evenings we have friends over to toast the arrival. What do you serve to toast the arrival of a beautiful little French baby. 

French champagne, of course. One evening we serve Louis Roederer and the next Pol Roget.

On the first evening we failed to take pictures. On the second the toasting event turned into a progressive dinner. We began at our place with a champagne and a meat and cheese platter.

For the second phase of the progressive dinner, we moved two doors down the street for skewers and more excellent wine. That 2003 Shiraz in the middle is a "no price" wine.  It was made by someone who is quite the character. How good was it? Freedom is Lanmeil's best wine and always bloody good. Next to the Lawson, it seemed pedestrian.

When we dine together, the tradition is to end with something different. At one of our dinners, CJ served a Pedro Jimenez sherry and found James was a long time fan.  CJ recently found his favorite brand of it and brought it to share.

Monday, October 26, 2020

The Neighbor's Roses

From our balcony we look down on the roses next door. Over the past two weeks they have exploded.

Have a closer look. That is our second floor balcony and third floor gardens in the background.
We recently met the woman who lives in this house. She's invited us to help ourselves to the roses and we have for a dinner party.
At the end of the street, the final corner bed has burst forth.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Monarto Safari Park - Rhino Experience

On this visit to Monarto, we've signed up for two special experiences. Even though we have purchased a one year pass, we must pay extra for them but they are worth the added cost. This one is the Rhino experience. Bronwyn did this a few weeks ago with some children of friends. She talked us into it. 

This big guy will be enticed by a feed. And while he feeds, he'll let us touch and pet him.
CJ has a turn at petting and touching the rhino. As rough as they look and are, in the folds of their skin one finds a softness.
Carol get a chance to have a go.
Bronwyn gets a turn.

Friday, October 23, 2020

East Terrace Route from the Other IGA

On Carol's next walk to the nearby grocery store, she decides to return by an alternate route, the scenic route.
And maintaining a watchful eye, over Carol's walk, our favorite bird, the Lorikeet.
This is a red hot poker. Use your imagination.