Wednesday, April 8, 2020

With Apologies to Aunt Sue

It is finally getting to me.

Many years ago when I was in high school my Aunt Sue and her family came to Connecticut for the weekend. Aunt Sue was a zany sort and always good for a laugh. On my mother’s side, she was my favorite.

Departing, she walked through the yard saying goodbye.  Not only to us but to the trees, to the flowers, to the birds. It was good for yet another laugh.  I never knew if it was an act or just Aunt Sue being Aunt Sue.

Shelter in place a few weeks and I’m becoming a little batty. I've taken to talking to my city.  I’ve been known to walk out onto the balcony and say (out loud) ‘Hello Adelaide, how are we doing this morning?” “Hello good people, the few of you remaining, how are you getting on today?” “Hello Convention Centre, hello my beloved Oval, hello Uni.”

I suppose I'll stop talking to inanimate objects eventually (like when I have real people to talk with), but for the time being, it seems to comfort me, and I expect somewhere up there Aunt Sue is smiling.

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