Thursday, April 16, 2020

56 T-bird or 82 Corvette - That is the Question

From time to time in the land of Oz, old and young meet to bridge the age gap. Periodically, CJ and Louis get together to chat over a frothy, that would be a beer. On this day Louis decides to start with brunch at their mutually favorite brunch spot, before seeking out a brewery. Louis picks up CJ at the apartment. They travel to the family home to change vehicles.

Which antique car do we take? Do we take the 1956 Thunderbird or the 1982 Corvette? It’s a tough decision but someone has to make it.  Or perhaps, something must make it. The decision maker ends up being CJ’s back. CJ’s back will not allow him to get into, or more accurately out of in his lifetime, the T-bird. He’s been pining to ride in the bird since last year.  Ain’t gonna happen soon.

The top comes off, the t-roof of the 1982 Corvette is removed and CJ and his fragile back is in.  Whether he can eventually get out is another issue. Louis drives us to Melbourne Street to both of our favorite breakfast/brunch restaurant, UR. CJ gets out of the vette. He’d have hired movers to get him out for brunch at UR.

When the place you’re dining serves the best brunch dish of all time, do you explore the rest of the menu. Hell no. Louis suggests I should try.  He runs through the many incredible offerings on the menu.  CJ doesn’t doubt his word. But forego the best ever!  If he were having breakfast here daily, maybe but when he’s here once a month no way; bring on the eggs benedict over cinnamon maple syrup waffle.

After brunch we pass by Little Bang Brewery in Norwood. No beers to CJ’s palate but Louis likes the place.

CJ is delivered to the apartment in the corvette; very cool.

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