Friday, April 24, 2020

National Rose Trial Garden of Australia

The National Rose Trial Garden of Australia is located in the northeast corner of the Adelaide Botanical Gardens. Of the many times we've weaved our way through the gardens and since it is tucked away in the far corner of the gardens, this is the first time we've discovered this area.  Obviously, we don't read the maps; we typically just weave our way through and discover what we find.

The Adelaide International Rose Garden takes visitors on a heady journey that's a delight to the senses. As you wander the garden you're drawn through a series of colourful spaces, each cleverly revealing a rose collection from a different style of garden.

The overall structure and geometry includes a sunken garden, a circular garden and several pergolas, in perfect visual counterpoint to the adjacent Bicentennial Conservatory.
The garden displays over 2,500 roses, including areas devoted to Australian bred roses, single roses, heritage roses and pillar roses. A walkway in the garden highlights roses selected for specific Australian causes (Olympic Gold, The Children's Rose). Mixed companion plantings add lots of seasonal colour.

Together with the National Rose Trial Garden – which began in 1996 to help the rose industry establish which roses not yet for sale in Australia are best suited to our climate – the International Rose Garden is a great favourite with national and international rose lovers alike.
The roses are beautiful.  What was supposed to be a quick walk with the primary purpose of getting us to a quick stop at the music store and dollar store turns into a long time walking through the rose garden.

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