Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Why Restart the Blog Now?

I had no intention of writing a blog of this year’s trip to Australia.  It’s our third extended three-month visit since retirement and much would be the same as the two previous years.

But the world has changed; drastically changed.

Nowhere in the Warso family plan was the concept of “shelter in place.” Then again, I suppose nowhere in anyone in the world’s family plans was there such a concept.

Folks are creatively using Facebook to spread humor and find creative things to keep themselves and others entertained and amused in these trying times, I’ve decided to post various musings of our stay in our special place. Each will deal with a single topic and be short and sweet.  Some postings will deal with the Australian view of the crisis, the world, and the USA as captured from their news reports and newspapers.  Australia doesn’t have polarized reporting as in the US so it will provide the real-world view of present day America.  

At worst the blog will bore some and they need not read.  At best it will distract and, hopefully entertain or educate. My purpose is to keep myself busy. If in doing so, I can help others it will be an added benefit.  

This year instead of coming during the summer and cricket season, we arrived in late summer. With the international cricket season over, or so we thought, we planned to visit Adelaide during the festival season; the season with Adelaide Festival, Adelaide Fringe (second largest arts festival in the world after Edinburg), Adelaide Food Festival and the French Film Festival just to name a few.  By the time we left the US we already had bookings for 13 events.

Stand by for incoming! BTW, I have no idea why its posting in two font formats

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