Friday, August 11, 2017

Off to Africa

The Emirates driver was right on time.  The ticket counters were open early. The flight was on time and within minutes of boarding, we sent this picture to Bronwyn informing her we were starting without her.
Having flown Qatar last year, we're having trouble understanding Emirates rated over them.  Food was better, seat cubes better but the service wasn't as good and they don't give out jammies for the 13 hour flight.  We were counting on using them during the safari. At one point CJ had four drinks going.
The scallop and prawn appetizer was very good.
Midflight CJ hooked up to the wifi and sent his mom the picture of him drinking at the bar.  At the time the bar was flying over Romania at 37,000 feet.
Now we have eight hours to kill in the Dubai lounge waiting for our next flight and Bronwyn and Neil. That eight hours was a hard slog even with access to food and drink continuously. The lounge runs the entire length of the terminal by leaps and bounds the largest lounge in the world.

Bronwyn and Neil arrive just in time to board.  The service on the flight to Nairobi is much better than our first flight.  We sleep through most of that flight.

On the ride from the airport, we see zebras running wild.  We're safely in the hotel 31 hours after leaving our Arlington hotel.

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