Sunday, August 20, 2017

Kenya to South Africa

Kenyan air transport is a bit unpredictable.  Returning from safari we're told that our morning flight has been moved UP!  Not what we wanted to hear.

The day begins as have the previous two days with a beautiful sunrise and hot air balloon lift off.
Not a minute from the camp gate a small elephant herd has come to bid us goodbye.
Arriving at the airstrip we relax is the business class lounge while watching a hippo cross between us and our camp.  Our tents were on that front row.

Our first flight is about five minutes.  Our second flight to Olkiombo Airstrip is another five minutes.  This is a crazy busy airstrip in the middle of nowhere.  One plane took off a minute before we landed and there are six planes on the ground.  Check-out the guy in charge of the airport.
All farms, ranches and Masai homesteads in the bush are surrounded by fences or hedges.

That is Nairobi in the distance. As we're leaving the airport, progress is stopped by a cattle drive down the street.  Why are all billboards in Kenya in English?

The flight to Johannesburg is uneventful and after a pretty sunset, we arrive in the dark to a modern airport and evening drive to the Saxon Hotel.

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