Saturday, August 19, 2017

Evening Safari on Mara Arrival Evening

Following a short stint in the room we're off on a sunset animal drive.  Carol has decided to remain behind and rest her foot.  So far the foot has held up admirably.

We are in search of a rhino.  Instead we get  jackals, a huge group of baboons, giraffe, and a recently killed hippo rotting in the field (stunk to high hell). The jackal den, a hole really, is located just outside of camp.
 The end result of a lion kill before the vultures and other animals get a chance at it.
Next we happen upon multiple herds of elephants.  The largest one numbering 17 elephants we continue to track until they change direction and pass just a few meters off the back of our vehicle.
Noticing many safari vehicles lined up far away we drive to join them. Lions are devouring a wildebeest. There are at least ten lions and cubs.

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