Thursday, November 9, 2023

Taking the Long Way to Seattle

We love the comfort of Qatar Q-suites. The short way from Adelaide to Seattle is Adelaide to Sydney to Los Angeles to Seattle. The long way and ONLY 2 comfortable flights of 14 hours each is Adelaide to Doha to Seattle.

It departs Doha, crosses over Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia.

It enters the Arctic Ocean and crosses the North Pole. We know it crosses the North Pole because when it did the instrumentation went haywire and the airplane on the route tracker began spinning in circles.
As we cross over the pole, this compass dial is bouncing about. It has no idea where we are.

It enters Canada in the Northwest Territories, crosses into the Yukon, into British Columbia before entering into the US State of Washington and landing in Seattle.

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