Saturday, November 18, 2023

Second Tundra Buggy - Afternoon and Return Flight

While Marcus decides where to park for lunch, this fellow strolls along the ice, tires of it, and decides to climb to the road to check out the action.
Marcus has backed up onto a small off-road patch extending over a shallow frozen lake. While still eating lunch, this mom and this year's cub stroll up to and alongside our buggy.
In the center of the frame these two are making their way across the lake.
Two bears attempting to eat kelp draw the attention of a few buggies.
The two walk halfway across the pond and decide to wrestle.
This is the observation deck of a Frontiers North Tundra Buggy®. There is a map to the right of the door. On the stern are 'height above ground' markings. The top one is nine feet, the height of an adult polar bear when it is standing.
The polar bears just keep coming.
The last bear.

Marcus offers an opportunity to drive the rig. Here is our hero driving the Tundra Buggy
®. Have no idea why the bottoms of the pictures are cut off.
Look ma, no hands!
Marcus told me to wave hello.
For the size of the buggy, it is remarkably easy to drive.

Marcus stops to allow us to take pictures of the sunset.

His first stop was a bit premature.

This is our group as we depart the buggy and Churchill. Carol is missing and CJ hopes on the way to rendezvous with us at the airport.

Carol is at the airport when we arrive.

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