Friday, November 17, 2023

Second Tundra Buggy - Final Day - Part 1

Can our first Tundra Buggy® be topped? We're not likely to again attend the post seal kill feast with a gathering of 11 bears, but the population does seem plentiful again with several reported sightings.

The first bear of the day appears to be attempting to get nutrition from kelp.

We find a bear exploring the sea ice. How they long for it to freeze over so they can quench their hunger and go fishing.

Yet another bloke just wandering about searching for any scrap to eat.

There are five buggies visible in this picture. It is what the drivers call a "quagmire". A wider view would have shown even more. Marcus, our driver, doesn't like to get involved in quagmires.

The second picture is of Frontiers North new all electric vehicle. They are slowly replacing the drive trains in all of their hand made vehicles. Marcus says their Tundra Buggies are constructed by guys in a shed with a case of beer.
Marcus is letting the quagmire drive the bears to us and it is working. This one got tired of being chased/watched and took refuge down the road near us.
This one just walking away from the quagmire toward us.
It gets so close that it's in the shadow of our vehicle.
And the spies another bear walking on the ice going the other way.
Our bear follows the other bear until it gets curious, turns around and begins a sniffing meet and greet. A few unpleasantries are exchanged and they continue walking back toward the quagmire with one following the other about two lengths behind.
One of them breaks off to visit a buggy.
Time for a lunch break.

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