Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Test Match with Stevo and Thomo

Day 3 of the India/Australia Test match CJ's tickets are with Stevo and Thomo. He had allowed Thomo to get the tickets and the procrastinator ended up with seats in the sun in the eastern stands in beyond nose bleed country. Steve's comment, "he's useless!" Lines are longer today, it being the weekend.

The way to avoid those seats is to find a good seat in the bar and watch on any one of the many large screen screens. On Day 1, it was wall to wall people in this bar. When CJ tried to depart early, he had to bump and grind his way through the masses in the bar. Overnight New South Wales had an outbreak and the rules changed and one had to be seated to be drinking in the bar. We watched as one objector was given a police escort from the bar. An hour or so later as the three of us were leaving the stadium, he was still being questioned by the police.

History is in the making. There is a once in a lifetime match occurring outside and we commandeer empty seats to bear witness. That is Thomo (aka Steve Thomson) nearest and Stevo (aka Steven Boothe) in the dark blue and hat. Both are in real estate.

What history was in the making? India lost wickets at a record pace. India had never been bowled out for so few runs in their history.

We will never again see wickets fall this quickly in succession at this level of cricket in our lifetime.

The fellow in the blue long sleeved shirt a few rows behind CJ (above and right of Thomo's head) is the son of an EX friend of ours. When a feud opened up between his parents and our friends we were the babies thrown out with the bath water. It may have been possible that Jack didn't recognize CJ but he doubts it. On the other hand, his brother Sam is still in touch.

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