Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Shopping by Bike

We tried to order a clothes dryer on line but the company's website would not accept a US billing address. Worse yet, they will not take a credit card over the phone. CJ must bike to the store on the other side of town to make the purchase.

Since he is on the west side of town, CJ has decided to bike to the store to purchase the dryer. Shortly after crossing over the rail tracks and two sport stadiums, there is a big drop. He is not looking forward to pushing the bike up this hill.

After lunch at the only restaurant is this shopping complex, Subway, he purchases the dry and then goes to Bunnings, (like a Lowes/Home Depot), to get the correct size saucer for a flowerpot. At this point it is important to remember that the damn fool is riding his bike. The engineer in him has figured it out. He has a large canvas bag that will hold the saucer. Two carabiners attach it to his backpack which is not big enough. Now he must ride uphill with the jury rig on his back; and it is 92°F and climbing. The checkout lady asks if he is going to be ok on a bike in this heat. It is not like he has a choice at this point.

The choice he does have is the return route. Instead of hiking up the bridge on Sir Donny, he decides to attempt the Anzac Highway route that will deliver him to the familiar south parklands. For whatever reason, there is only a slight climb in this direction and he gets home with only a single drink break.

He made it home. The jury-rigged blue bag with the saucer is hanging from his backpack. Sweat is dripping from him. Now to safely get off the bike.

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