Thursday, February 25, 2021

Strikers with The Regulars

We are off to the cricket. Because of COVID, the Tour Down Under, the opening race of the professional international cycling year has been cancelled. It has been replaced with the domestic Festival of Cycling. The huge blow-up bike in Victoria Square is part of the festival.

Hail, hail, the gangs all here. It has been an interesting year in the Bodyline. There is a group of us regulars who are hear for every match. At some matches, CJ is asked where Carol is, particularly if he is alone. On this evening CJ was a bit late getting in and takes seats in the third (upper row).
Our regulars group consists of the three guys beyond CJ. They two guys in the Strikers shirts always arrive together, the fellow beyond them is usually first in line with CJ.
Meredith, another regular we met years ago, has brought a new friend this time.
The match between the Adelaide Strikers and Melbourne Stars is on.
This is one of this evening's bartender. She has been a gem. How good has she been? They do not tip in Australia. We gave her a tip.

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