Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Football with the Lads

A year ago, the lads decided to take the old boy out to a soccer game and get him pissed (trashed or drunk). They insisted in getting CJ 'kitted up' (dressed in an Adelaide United shirt). We spent that game in the Cooper's Beer Snake Pit watching the game and playing drinking games. The bad news is that it was bad beer, the good news is that the bad beer was local alcohol and the lads and drinking games were excellent.

This year, with COVID, the Snake Pit is closed. Patrons must be seated, and when not seated wear masks. 

Pre-game drinking occurs at the recently remodelled Serbian Club. Once upon a time, the lads had a number of choices for pre game drinking, none particularly good. With the Serbian Club remodelled, they now serve food, inexpensive drink and the lady's auxiliary serve up a good sandwich. It is the place of choice.

As game time approaches, the club fills quickly.

There are other soccer matches on the televisions to help pass the time.
Tom and his friend are Adelaide United members. They do not like their seats and eventually join us. Seated with us is Tom's father-in-law, Jim. Once upon a time Jim was a soccer referee.
Besides Louis, is his girlfriend, Cheryl and a recently rescued strandee. We had heard of a fellow stranded just before Christmas and unable to return to Sydney. Bronwyn had invited him for Christmas. He's now one of the lads. 

Adelaide United win 1-0 on a brilliant goal scored in front of us.
After the game our mob returns to the Serbian Club where after a few drinks we go separate ways.

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