Sunday, February 14, 2021

Steam Ranger Cockle Train - The Train

For years while we have visited the South Australian south coast between Clayton and Victor Harbor, we have seen the Cockle Train. Bronwyn took relatives on it a few days earlier and since it is school break, they are running the steam engine.

The train runs on SA's oldest rail line. The train runs from Goolwa to Victor Harbor making two stops along the way. It runs along some of the most picturesque coast of the Fleurieu Peninsula.

We are supposed to be pulled by the steam engine shown below. We get pulled by the red diesel engine.
When we arrive, there is a diesel pulling the cars. We decide to take the ride. The operators apologize for the substitution but when the fired up the steam engine in the morning it failed a safety inspection. Just our bad luck.
At Victor Harbor station, they reverse the engine to the other end of the train.
Here, the engine, is pulling away in order to switch tracks and change ends.
The cars are heritage cars and have been marvelously restored and maintained.

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