Thursday, October 5, 2023

Tapei - Private Guide

Chaos on the street. The sidewalk is crowded with holiday tourists. Our bus pulls up and must unload luggage through the throng of crew, passengers and guests! Eventually we get our five pieces (large suitcase, small roller, two backpacks, and one small bag) together and organized along the wall of the museum.

Carol guards the luggage while CJ goes in search of our guide. He is texting with our Australian travel agent. The guide finds him and we join with Carol and call for the driver.

Our first stop is at Lian Tai Historical House, a traditional home of a wealthy Taiwanese. Wow! The place is huge and magnificent. May is excellent. She tells of family structure, the rules wealthy families lived to, all of which explain the design of the house and grounds. No two doors have the same design.

The house and outbuildings were moved and rebuilt on this site. The site consists of the house and a number of outbuildings surrounding a pond. This was a wealthy family and in such families, girls were not allowed to leave the property until after they were married so parents had to create a world for them to live in. As shown above, there are four different structures for the girl's entertainment.
This is the entertaining and receiving room.

There are two more events on the schedule. We request an early end to the day. We need rest. Ten hours of sleep does the trick.


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