Friday, October 6, 2023

Taipei to Singapore

Finally! We have been scheduled on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner on several previous occasions only to have aircraft substituted, usually the dreaded Boeing 777. What once was the queen of the sky is now a dated old lady on most airlines. Only Qatar to our knowledge has upgraded their triple sevens and to Q-suites.

We have a fine transition day. A mid afternoon flight allows a relaxing last morning in the hotel. Stone, our driver the last three days, arrives to take us to the airport. It is difficult to describe how nice it was to have Stone drive us instead of some taxi driver.

Instead of running the green line, CJ elects to declare our excess alcohol. Big mistake. It takes us over an hour to clear customs, all for less than $60 Singapore dollars ($44USD).

We arrive in time to have dinner in the Executive Lounge of the JW Marriott. They have given us a marvelous room on the 19th floor. It has a great view of downtown Singapore. From our room we can see from the Marina Bay Sands, across the waterfront and CBD to the Government buildings and Raffles plaza.

We have a driver coming in the morning. We wish we had not moved him up a day.

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