Monday, May 15, 2023

Skiing Palisades Lake Tahoe

Before we head off for South America, why not fly across America from Florida to California and get cold?

CJ has not skied in four years. With record snows in California this year, the ski season has been extended to mid July. First week in May should be safe, and is.

Hours and days are reduced. We ski Alpine Meadows the first day and Squaw Valley (now Palisades Tahoe) the second day.

Years ago while third deep in a ticket line a senior told the agent he was 75. After the hippie in front of him yelled, "Far out man!", CJ commented that he hope to live to 70 and skiing would be a bonus.

In this record year of California snowfall, they have had just shy of 60 FEET of snow. It is their snowiest season ever!

At Alpine, CJ's first run is beginner like. His second is half beginner and half up to about 75%. Unfortunately, his body and the altitude end his ski day with only two runs.

Although the second day at Squaw Valley is a bit better, bad light, a constantly changing snow surface, bad visibility, and an overweight body restrict him to two runs again. At least this second run is a long one.

What is now called Palisades Tahoe is known by us old timers as Squaw Valley, home of the 1960 Olympics.
A good day of skiing should be followed by a hot tub session complimented by adult beverages.
We found good food and better brew at Great Basin located in Reno. A very good lager made with jalepenos, and an excellent vanilla stout.
That is the snow that remains in early May in the parking lot.

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