Sunday, May 21, 2023

Baltra Island - Saturday Departure

Overnight we have again crossed the equator and returned to the Southern Hemisphere. Baltra Island is not part of the Galapagos National Park. The airport located there was originally built and used by US forces in World War II to guard the western entrance to the Panama Canal. It has been modernized. 

The airport became the world's first "green" airport in December 2012.

The new terminal, which consists of recycled steel tubes taken from oil drilling operations in the Amazon, is spread over 6,000 square meters and required an investment of just over $24 million. The new complex will use clean, renewable technologies such as solar energy, wind farms, and seawater desalination, among other environmental innovations.

We disembark at Baltra Island for the return Avianca flight to Guayaquil.

After lunch back at the Hotel Oro Verde, we fly to Lima, Peru

By the time we check-in at the Belmond Miraflores Park Hotel and get to bed it is 0100.

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