Thursday, May 18, 2023

Puerto Ayora and Highlands, Santa Cruz Island - Giant Tortoise Tuesday

The ride to shore is in two to four foot swells. Once ashore we visit the Charles Darwin research station. 

We view our first Galapagos giant tortoise and their baby tortoise hatchery. If you have ever read children's books about Lonesome George, this is him. When he finally passed, they sent him to New York to a taxidermist. Now he is preserved in his own climate controlled BUILDING and climate controlled enclosure.

How big is one of these tortoise?

A half hour bus ride and we visit Granja Integral Ochoa regenerative farm, an organic hydroponic farm and coffee plantation in the highlands.

Another half hour bus ride and we remain in the highlands and arrive at Rancho Manzanillo for lunch. Lunch is followed by a walk to search for giant tortoise in their natural habitat. On the long road into the restaurant, the bus stopped a few times to clear the road of tortoise. On the drive out, we zig zagged our way down the road dodging juvenille tortoise.

On the return boat ride, the naturalist and a few along Carol's side of the boat get soaked. The driver requests everyone, including the naturalist get as far back in the boat as possible. It seems to elimimnate the soaking caused by rough seas.

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