Monday, May 15, 2023

Arrival in Galapagos - Saturday

We fly to San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos. Just before landing we observe a rock formation off the wing of our Avianca flight. By evening's end, Endeavor II will be circumnavigating it and serving the cocktail of the day.

Luggage is offloaded and placed in rows. A sniffer dog must pass on them before we are allowed to retrieve the luggage. Luggage goes directly to the ship. We board busses for a five-minute ride through the 'town'. If you do not believe the Galapagos are home to sea lions, you cannot make it onto the dock without seeing and navigating through them.

The group in front of us is boarding the Zodiac for the short ride to the ship. Note the sea lions lounging about the boarding area. They are large immovable objects and do not appreciate we have something to do.
It is a short ride to our home for the next week.
We board and have lunch. Endeavor II gets underway. We are invited to join the bar staff on the observation deck for a "Leon Dormido Cocktail" toast as we circle Kicker Rock and Stephen's Bay, the first anchorage of HMS Beagle with Darwin onboard.


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