Friday, May 19, 2023

Santa Cruz Island & Daphne Major - Wednesday

One group disembarks at 0730 for a long walk around the island. We disembark at 0800 for a long Zodiac ride around two islands where our naturalist regales us with tales of birds. We also have playful sea lions about. Below is a blue footed booby.

Carol disembarks when we return to the ship while CJ continues to the island landing and the short walk. A sea lion has decided to join our cruise.

Long walkers get to see a red land iguana. Short walkers miss out.

Today an Ecuadorian lunch is served.

The afternoon selection of Borrero Bay is by kayak, paddle board, and Zodiac. Those who did not make the kayak cutoff on the last offering are given priority. CJ and his partner do not make this event.

It is a very productive Zodiac ride. CJ sees his first hammerhead sharks, young ones swimming in the mangroves. Also there we see an eagle ray and black tip sharks.

That dark spot in the water is an eagle ray.
There is a hammerhead shark in the lower center here.
This is a reef shark.
A close up image of the hammerhead.

This evening the hotel staff conduct a wine tasting on the Observation deck. They offer three white wines, a rose, and three red wines. That said, there is a Bordeaux white and a Chilean sauvignon blanc which are not bad. The three red wines, one each from Argentina, Chile, and Ecuador are undrinkable.

The event itself is a lot of fun with passengers mingling as one of the naturalists regales us with the history of Daphne Major as we circle it at close range.

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