Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Drake Passage

Orion departs Ushuaia shortly after our first dinner on board.  Food is outstanding.
After the first dinner on Orion there is the mandatory lifeboat drill.
Shortly after, Orion departs Ushuaia headed for the dreaded Drake Passage.  The first half of the passage is made overnight.  The Drake is being kind to us. We’ve passed through the Drake and it’s been on its best behavior.  We've had a pleasant crossing like few others. Food remains very good.

We’ve arrived in the South Shetland Islands where we’re met with magnificent iceberg sightings.

 It's time to rug up for our first landing. In order, body layer, fleece layer, wet pants and inner parka shell.
 Next comes the outer parka and waterproof boots, followed by the life jacket.
At 6pm Zodiac’s head for shore.  Our guide is over the moon.  Ella, one of the National Geographic Naturalists on board, has spotted an Adelie penguin which is not supposed to be on this island mingling with the Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins found here. We land on one side and dodge the little guys to a loading area on the other side.
 This is the woman who complained for YEARS that a trip to Antarctica would be too cold for her.

After this spectacular penguin experience, how do they top it for a week.

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