Saturday, December 21, 2019

Santiago to Orion

The early morning departure from the hotel with breakfast to go is changed to a later departure with breakfast in the hotel.  Our desire to observe the feeble attempt to best breakfast at the Mandarin Oriental Singapore, an impossible task comes through. No need to conduct a tour of the breakfast roomS at this Mandarin. This buffet doesn't meet Marriott or IHG standards.

We're on an early morning international charter flight to Ushuaia, Argentina, located on the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, down near the bottom of the earth. Well not that far.  Bottom of the earth is tomorrow! We get a look at the Andes on the flight as well as a look at the Straits of Magellan.
Ushuaia calls itself the "End of the Earth".

We surprised by the size and relative modernity of the town of Ushuaia.
 We board a catamaran for lunch and bird and seal viewing.
Debarking the catamaran and embarking Orion is a matter of a walk of a few hundred meters.

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