Saturday, December 28, 2019

Crossing the Drake Passage – Part II

Breaking free of the pack ice, we're later treated to a beautiful sunset.
As a part of the continuing weather package visitors to Antarctica can only dream of, the return crossing is almost as civilized and the trip down.  The first evening we have slightly heavier seas and walking one needs two hands to negotiate the trip to the dining center. 

Like us, many of the passengers sleep through until the noon call for lunch.

The day is filled with lectures as is the second day of the crossing.

In the evening we have the crew show.  Unlike big cruise ships with professional entertainers, our crew is putting on this show and it's quite entertaining.

Seas have calmed again and we make good overnight time and sight land just before lunch.  Orion embarks the pilot at 1500. We arrive early in Ushuaia at 2000.

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